Emilio José García


MSc. (2007)


Emilio started his professional career as a wildlife consultant in 2003, participating in several projects regarding wolf monitoring, management and conservation assessment in NW Spain. His main interests lay on the study of human-carnivore conflicts in human-dominated landscapes. Emilio focuses his research work on the study of wolf-human coexistence, wolf predation on livestock and mediation and mitigation tools to prevent social unrest related with wolves. He has spent the last years working on an interdisciplinary approach of wolf-livestock conflict in protected areas of northern Spain, including biological, social, economic and political perspectives. Emilio can be reached at:




Iberian Wolf Research Team © 2016. Photographs: IWRT, Francisco Lema, Artur Oliveira/CIBIO, Jesús Sáez-Horma. Web design: miams@skynet.be and IWRT